Ultimate Kegel trainer app that help you to do your Kegel exercise like a Pro! Major improvements from the original version to pack even more features to help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscle.
vendredi 31 janvier 2014
DOWNLOAD Daily Kegel Exercise 2 - For Android
Ultimate Kegel trainer app that help you to do your Kegel exercise like a Pro! Major improvements from the original version to pack even more features to help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscle.
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DOWNLOAD Daily Kegel Exercise 2 - For Android
Ultimate Kegel trainer app that help you to do your Kegel exercise like a Pro! Major improvements from the original version to pack even more features to help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscle.
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5 Ways to Stay on the Bandwagon
Speaking for myself, I know my goal of living a healthy life and making the right food choices is a difficult one. I find my motivation for exercising, in knowing how good I feel both mentally and physically when I exercise and how these feelings allow me to focus more, sleep better, and feel confident about my body. That being the case, even with these motivators, I still "fall off the wagon" sometimes, when the immediate motivator (maybe I'm depressed and the immediate need for comfort food is more important at that moment) overrides my longer-term motivators.
When this happens and I fall back into my old ways of eating junk food I begin to feel sluggish and I find myself not even wanting to exercise. That's when I stop and revisit these five actions to get back on track and on the motivational bandwagon:
1. Find my 'Why' - I have a talk with myself to remind me of why it is important for me to make the right food choices and exercise on a consistent basis. I remind myself of how good I feel when I make those choices.
2. Take Action - Once I have found my 'why', it is time to do something about it and take action. I start with food choices, I set myself up for success by writing out a meal plan for the week before I go to the grocery, and I only buy what is on my list avoiding temptation to buy junk food. Next, I make sure I have breakfast in the morning, and in the meantime I prepare my lunch and snacks, that way I am not tempted to buy lunch "on the go" which usually ends up being something unhealthy. I make a goal at the beginning of the week for how many times I want to exercise, if I exceed my goal then great!
3. Use Music - I like to load my iPod with upbeat music to motivate while I exercise which I find helps the time go by quicker and keeps me focused on finishing.
4. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals - I find that by surrounding myself with people who share a similar goal I am able to stay on track with my own goals. People who give you positive feedback and encouragement are just as important as a healthy diet. I love teaching my TRX Challenge Class because it gets me fired up when I see what an impact I have on others by coaching them in their workouts. I also like to exercise with a partner, whether going for a walk/run, or attending a class of some sorts, it is always more fun to exercise with someone else!
5. Use Quotes - I love to find inspirational quotes, especially since I am addicted to Pinterest these days, I love "pinning" inspirational/motivational quotes. And whenever I need a pick-me-up, I read these quotes to help motivate me to get back on track.
I will end with a quote I found the recently and have found it to help me visualize my health goals and find my way back on track "Create a life that feels good on the inside. Not one that just looks good on the outside"
When this happens and I fall back into my old ways of eating junk food I begin to feel sluggish and I find myself not even wanting to exercise. That's when I stop and revisit these five actions to get back on track and on the motivational bandwagon:
1. Find my 'Why' - I have a talk with myself to remind me of why it is important for me to make the right food choices and exercise on a consistent basis. I remind myself of how good I feel when I make those choices.
2. Take Action - Once I have found my 'why', it is time to do something about it and take action. I start with food choices, I set myself up for success by writing out a meal plan for the week before I go to the grocery, and I only buy what is on my list avoiding temptation to buy junk food. Next, I make sure I have breakfast in the morning, and in the meantime I prepare my lunch and snacks, that way I am not tempted to buy lunch "on the go" which usually ends up being something unhealthy. I make a goal at the beginning of the week for how many times I want to exercise, if I exceed my goal then great!
3. Use Music - I like to load my iPod with upbeat music to motivate while I exercise which I find helps the time go by quicker and keeps me focused on finishing.
4. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals - I find that by surrounding myself with people who share a similar goal I am able to stay on track with my own goals. People who give you positive feedback and encouragement are just as important as a healthy diet. I love teaching my TRX Challenge Class because it gets me fired up when I see what an impact I have on others by coaching them in their workouts. I also like to exercise with a partner, whether going for a walk/run, or attending a class of some sorts, it is always more fun to exercise with someone else!
5. Use Quotes - I love to find inspirational quotes, especially since I am addicted to Pinterest these days, I love "pinning" inspirational/motivational quotes. And whenever I need a pick-me-up, I read these quotes to help motivate me to get back on track.
I will end with a quote I found the recently and have found it to help me visualize my health goals and find my way back on track "Create a life that feels good on the inside. Not one that just looks good on the outside"
3 Easy Proven Weight Loss Tips
The secret to losing weight fast is eating more healthy foods and exercising more. Therefore, a good balanced diet that is high in fiber, vegetables and fruits while avoiding high calorie foods. The idea here is to make sure that you are burning more calories than you take in, thus weight loss. For example, you do not need to enroll in a gym, but engaging in your hobbies like swimming, running with your dog, playing soccer, jogging e.t.c are simple enjoyable activities that keep your body fit while at the same time helping you burn the undesired calories.
1.) Reduce your calorie intake
It is advisable to increase your vegetable servings to a minimum of 4 per day and the fruit serving to 3 per day. Include complex carbohydrates in your diet because they take longer to digest thus keeping you feeling full for longer, have fewer calories and offer more nutritional value and other health benefits like low cholesterol and a decreased risk of heart disease. Examples of such foods are; whole grain foods, legumes, bran cereals, oats, high fiber vegetables and fruits. Avoid processed and refined foods because they are stored in the body as glucose and calories thus weight gain. Examples are; white rice, pasta, processed meats, caramel and fizzy drinks. Include proteins like unprocessed fish, chicken, nuts and seeds in your diet to help form your muscles and help in burning calories faster. The final and most important diet tip, for the weight loss journey is to eat small servings, do not skip meals, eat a healthy breakfast, and dinner should be served 1 hour before bedtime.
2.) Drink plenty of water and fresh juices
Drinking a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water a day aids in digestion, ensures that toxins are flushed out of the body system and keeps the skin hydrated and clear. Include fresh vegetable juices and fruits juice in your drinks. During the weight loss program, drinking 1 glass of organic vegetables juice per day makes sure that the body still has access to the energy it needs, keeps the body hydrated, helps to detoxify the body by eliminating toxins in the body and is able to burn down the calories fast. Juicing vegetables also boosts the body's immunity and soothes the digestion process.
In conclusion, the highlights to a successful weight loss program outlined above is to maintain a well balanced and high nutritious diet of whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables whilst a consistent exercise programme which will translate to a lean healthy body.
3.) Exercise as a hobby
Keeping the body fit is an essential to healthy weight loss and therefore it's important to engage your body in various activities that will help you achieve your goal. In doing this you want to choose an activity that is more of a hobby to ensure consistency and fun in doing it. For example, the following cardiovascular exercises will help you burn more calories, however it is advisable to alternate high impact cardio exercises and low impact for example running and speed walking. Other examples include: swimming, cycling, walking or running with your dog, walking to work, soccer, basketball, skiing, skipping rope, jogging, e.t.c
In conclusion, the highlights to a successful weight loss program outlined above is to maintain a well balanced and high nutritious diet of whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables whilst a consistent exercise programme which will translate to a lean healthy body. Try out these 3 simple tips and in 8 to 12 weeks you will have shed off those extra calories!
1.) Reduce your calorie intake
It is advisable to increase your vegetable servings to a minimum of 4 per day and the fruit serving to 3 per day. Include complex carbohydrates in your diet because they take longer to digest thus keeping you feeling full for longer, have fewer calories and offer more nutritional value and other health benefits like low cholesterol and a decreased risk of heart disease. Examples of such foods are; whole grain foods, legumes, bran cereals, oats, high fiber vegetables and fruits. Avoid processed and refined foods because they are stored in the body as glucose and calories thus weight gain. Examples are; white rice, pasta, processed meats, caramel and fizzy drinks. Include proteins like unprocessed fish, chicken, nuts and seeds in your diet to help form your muscles and help in burning calories faster. The final and most important diet tip, for the weight loss journey is to eat small servings, do not skip meals, eat a healthy breakfast, and dinner should be served 1 hour before bedtime.
2.) Drink plenty of water and fresh juices
Drinking a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water a day aids in digestion, ensures that toxins are flushed out of the body system and keeps the skin hydrated and clear. Include fresh vegetable juices and fruits juice in your drinks. During the weight loss program, drinking 1 glass of organic vegetables juice per day makes sure that the body still has access to the energy it needs, keeps the body hydrated, helps to detoxify the body by eliminating toxins in the body and is able to burn down the calories fast. Juicing vegetables also boosts the body's immunity and soothes the digestion process.
In conclusion, the highlights to a successful weight loss program outlined above is to maintain a well balanced and high nutritious diet of whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables whilst a consistent exercise programme which will translate to a lean healthy body.
3.) Exercise as a hobby
Keeping the body fit is an essential to healthy weight loss and therefore it's important to engage your body in various activities that will help you achieve your goal. In doing this you want to choose an activity that is more of a hobby to ensure consistency and fun in doing it. For example, the following cardiovascular exercises will help you burn more calories, however it is advisable to alternate high impact cardio exercises and low impact for example running and speed walking. Other examples include: swimming, cycling, walking or running with your dog, walking to work, soccer, basketball, skiing, skipping rope, jogging, e.t.c
In conclusion, the highlights to a successful weight loss program outlined above is to maintain a well balanced and high nutritious diet of whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables whilst a consistent exercise programme which will translate to a lean healthy body. Try out these 3 simple tips and in 8 to 12 weeks you will have shed off those extra calories!
How To Lose Weight in 2014
Many people talk about losing weight as the new year starts. So far it is one of the most common new year's resolution since time in memorial or since people started paying close attention to their body figure. The fact is only 5% people who made a new year's resolution to lose weight actually do it and only 3% were only successful. Somehow, this makes me think that maybe new year's resolutions are things that you don't want to do for that specific year because more often than not, people don't actually even try to accomplish these resolutions.
Now don't get me wrong. I've been observing some of my friends and the people around me who had a new year's resolution to lose weight but at the end of the year they even gained more. I had my share of new year's resolution in the past but not one of them is about losing weight but still I was able to accomplish them. I follow a strict guideline when it comes to doing new year's resolution that might help you especially if you want to lose weight this 2014.
1. It should be realistic and attainable
Always check if your resolution is indeed achievable or not. Don't make any new year's resolution which is totally impossible. A resolution is totally different to a dream. It requires action and is achievable within a given amount of time.
2. Make a time frame
Right after you decided what your new year resolution is, it is important that you create a timeline wherein you could evaluate whether you are actually achieving something or not. Like for example if you want to lose 150 pounds within that year. Then it would be wise to divide the entire year in four quarters and set goals per quarter. For example on March 2014, you should have already lost 20 pounds, then on June 2014, you should have already lost 60 pounds and so on. What this does is help you motivate yourself in doing all the things that you have to do in order to met you quota per quarter and at the same time provide an evaluation tool in order determine if what you're doing is actually helping you or not.
3. Create a list of things to do to attain it and turn them into habits
If you truly want to lose weight it is highly important that you try and make all of your weight loss actions into habits. That way you don't mind going to the gym 3 times a week simply because it grew into you and its something that you're already used to.
New Year's resolutions are fun but they're more fun if you actually do them. If you want to lose weight in 2014, then do everything you can to aid your weight loss right away!
Now don't get me wrong. I've been observing some of my friends and the people around me who had a new year's resolution to lose weight but at the end of the year they even gained more. I had my share of new year's resolution in the past but not one of them is about losing weight but still I was able to accomplish them. I follow a strict guideline when it comes to doing new year's resolution that might help you especially if you want to lose weight this 2014.
1. It should be realistic and attainable
Always check if your resolution is indeed achievable or not. Don't make any new year's resolution which is totally impossible. A resolution is totally different to a dream. It requires action and is achievable within a given amount of time.
2. Make a time frame
Right after you decided what your new year resolution is, it is important that you create a timeline wherein you could evaluate whether you are actually achieving something or not. Like for example if you want to lose 150 pounds within that year. Then it would be wise to divide the entire year in four quarters and set goals per quarter. For example on March 2014, you should have already lost 20 pounds, then on June 2014, you should have already lost 60 pounds and so on. What this does is help you motivate yourself in doing all the things that you have to do in order to met you quota per quarter and at the same time provide an evaluation tool in order determine if what you're doing is actually helping you or not.
3. Create a list of things to do to attain it and turn them into habits
If you truly want to lose weight it is highly important that you try and make all of your weight loss actions into habits. That way you don't mind going to the gym 3 times a week simply because it grew into you and its something that you're already used to.
New Year's resolutions are fun but they're more fun if you actually do them. If you want to lose weight in 2014, then do everything you can to aid your weight loss right away!
I Want Thinner Legs!
Love handles?
Think it's hopeless?
Think again!
There is a simple philosophy on weight loss that most people don't understand. You can get smooth, sexy legs without adopting a fitness model schedule. You don't have time to plan out six small meals a day or spend 3 hours at the gym every day. You can still lose that stubborn fat that piled up around your hips and thighs.
Here's what that philosophy boils down to. Your body stores toxins in fat cells. There are toxins in your body and it's constantly being pounded with more. They come from the food you eat, the air you breathe, they're even produced as a result of your body's natural functions and recovery processes.
Most of us produce more acidity and toxins than our bodies can handle. The same dietary problems that produce excess toxins also inhibit your body's ability to process those toxins out. The result is an unbalanced body with a bunch of toxins that it has to deal with.
In order to prevent these toxins from attacking your vital organs and functions, your body stores these excess toxins in fat cells! When these fat cells are full of toxins, they become swollen and inflamed. This swelling causes a lumpy appearance (cellulite).
This also makes your body resistant to weight loss. If your body thinks it needs more fat cells to protect itself, it will hold onto them! That's a major reason that you can lose a bunch of weight and have that stubborn 10-20 pounds that you just can't seem to get rid of. It's also the reason that many people think that once you have cellulite on your legs it never goes away!
The big secret is discovering how to detoxify the fat cells and balance the acidity/alkalinity levels in the body. Without the swelling and inflammation that comes from a toxic body, the fat cells will shrink, returning the surface above to a smooth appearance. It will also then allow the body to burn or break down those fat cells because they aren't necessary for protection.
So, what are some easy ways to detoxify those fat cells?
1. Drink more water
My first challenge to my weight loss clients is that they eliminate high-sugar beverages such as soda and sweet tea from their daily routines and replace them with water for 30 days. When they see the difference in the way they look and feel, it becomes easy to stay disciplined thereafter.
2. Eat more raw fruits and veggies
Raw fruits and vegetables contain the micro-nutrients necessary for a balanced body. They promote alkalinity in the body, and are key to disease prevention and healthy weight.
3. Find natural supplements that help balance the body
There are supplements available that use natural ingredients to detoxify and feed the body on a cellular level. There are also all-natural products that amp up the metabolism to burn extra calories every day. People who burn more calories and feed their cells with healthy micro-nutrients tend to burn fat at an all-time high.
My wife has lost about 25 pounds over the past three months by incorporating these principles. She had a serious problem with cellulite and her problem areas were her thighs and hips.
Today, her legs are smooth and cellulite-free. She doesn't have a special diet. She just avoids high levels of simple sugars and uses healthy supplements to maintain proper balance on a cellular level.
If your bounce has become a jiggle, and you'd like to get your sexy back, today is the day. If doing what you're doing isn't working, it's time to make a simple change. Try it for yourself.
Love handles?
Think it's hopeless?
Think again!
There is a simple philosophy on weight loss that most people don't understand. You can get smooth, sexy legs without adopting a fitness model schedule. You don't have time to plan out six small meals a day or spend 3 hours at the gym every day. You can still lose that stubborn fat that piled up around your hips and thighs.
Here's what that philosophy boils down to. Your body stores toxins in fat cells. There are toxins in your body and it's constantly being pounded with more. They come from the food you eat, the air you breathe, they're even produced as a result of your body's natural functions and recovery processes.
Most of us produce more acidity and toxins than our bodies can handle. The same dietary problems that produce excess toxins also inhibit your body's ability to process those toxins out. The result is an unbalanced body with a bunch of toxins that it has to deal with.
In order to prevent these toxins from attacking your vital organs and functions, your body stores these excess toxins in fat cells! When these fat cells are full of toxins, they become swollen and inflamed. This swelling causes a lumpy appearance (cellulite).
This also makes your body resistant to weight loss. If your body thinks it needs more fat cells to protect itself, it will hold onto them! That's a major reason that you can lose a bunch of weight and have that stubborn 10-20 pounds that you just can't seem to get rid of. It's also the reason that many people think that once you have cellulite on your legs it never goes away!
The big secret is discovering how to detoxify the fat cells and balance the acidity/alkalinity levels in the body. Without the swelling and inflammation that comes from a toxic body, the fat cells will shrink, returning the surface above to a smooth appearance. It will also then allow the body to burn or break down those fat cells because they aren't necessary for protection.
So, what are some easy ways to detoxify those fat cells?
1. Drink more water
My first challenge to my weight loss clients is that they eliminate high-sugar beverages such as soda and sweet tea from their daily routines and replace them with water for 30 days. When they see the difference in the way they look and feel, it becomes easy to stay disciplined thereafter.
2. Eat more raw fruits and veggies
Raw fruits and vegetables contain the micro-nutrients necessary for a balanced body. They promote alkalinity in the body, and are key to disease prevention and healthy weight.
3. Find natural supplements that help balance the body
There are supplements available that use natural ingredients to detoxify and feed the body on a cellular level. There are also all-natural products that amp up the metabolism to burn extra calories every day. People who burn more calories and feed their cells with healthy micro-nutrients tend to burn fat at an all-time high.
My wife has lost about 25 pounds over the past three months by incorporating these principles. She had a serious problem with cellulite and her problem areas were her thighs and hips.
Today, her legs are smooth and cellulite-free. She doesn't have a special diet. She just avoids high levels of simple sugars and uses healthy supplements to maintain proper balance on a cellular level.
If your bounce has become a jiggle, and you'd like to get your sexy back, today is the day. If doing what you're doing isn't working, it's time to make a simple change. Try it for yourself.
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jeudi 30 janvier 2014
5 Ways to Stay on the Bandwagon
Speaking for myself, I know my goal of living a healthy life and making the right food choices is a difficult one. I find my motivation for exercising, in knowing how good I feel both mentally and physically when I exercise and how these feelings allow me to focus more, sleep better, and feel confident about my body. That being the case, even with these motivators, I still "fall off the wagon" sometimes, when the immediate motivator (maybe I'm depressed and the immediate need for comfort food is more important at that moment) overrides my longer-term motivators.
When this happens and I fall back into my old ways of eating junk food I begin to feel sluggish and I find myself not even wanting to exercise. That's when I stop and revisit these five actions to get back on track and on the motivational bandwagon:
1. Find my 'Why' - I have a talk with myself to remind me of why it is important for me to make the right food choices and exercise on a consistent basis. I remind myself of how good I feel when I make those choices.
2. Take Action - Once I have found my 'why', it is time to do something about it and take action. I start with food choices, I set myself up for success by writing out a meal plan for the week before I go to the grocery, and I only buy what is on my list avoiding temptation to buy junk food. Next, I make sure I have breakfast in the morning, and in the meantime I prepare my lunch and snacks, that way I am not tempted to buy lunch "on the go" which usually ends up being something unhealthy. I make a goal at the beginning of the week for how many times I want to exercise, if I exceed my goal then great!
3. Use Music - I like to load my iPod with upbeat music to motivate while I exercise which I find helps the time go by quicker and keeps me focused on finishing.
4. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals - I find that by surrounding myself with people who share a similar goal I am able to stay on track with my own goals. People who give you positive feedback and encouragement are just as important as a healthy diet. I love teaching my TRX Challenge Class because it gets me fired up when I see what an impact I have on others by coaching them in their workouts. I also like to exercise with a partner, whether going for a walk/run, or attending a class of some sorts, it is always more fun to exercise with someone else!
5. Use Quotes - I love to find inspirational quotes, especially since I am addicted to Pinterest these days, I love "pinning" inspirational/motivational quotes. And whenever I need a pick-me-up, I read these quotes to help motivate me to get back on track.
I will end with a quote I found the recently and have found it to help me visualize my health goals and find my way back on track "Create a life that feels good on the inside. Not one that just looks good on the outside"
When this happens and I fall back into my old ways of eating junk food I begin to feel sluggish and I find myself not even wanting to exercise. That's when I stop and revisit these five actions to get back on track and on the motivational bandwagon:
1. Find my 'Why' - I have a talk with myself to remind me of why it is important for me to make the right food choices and exercise on a consistent basis. I remind myself of how good I feel when I make those choices.
2. Take Action - Once I have found my 'why', it is time to do something about it and take action. I start with food choices, I set myself up for success by writing out a meal plan for the week before I go to the grocery, and I only buy what is on my list avoiding temptation to buy junk food. Next, I make sure I have breakfast in the morning, and in the meantime I prepare my lunch and snacks, that way I am not tempted to buy lunch "on the go" which usually ends up being something unhealthy. I make a goal at the beginning of the week for how many times I want to exercise, if I exceed my goal then great!
3. Use Music - I like to load my iPod with upbeat music to motivate while I exercise which I find helps the time go by quicker and keeps me focused on finishing.
4. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals - I find that by surrounding myself with people who share a similar goal I am able to stay on track with my own goals. People who give you positive feedback and encouragement are just as important as a healthy diet. I love teaching my TRX Challenge Class because it gets me fired up when I see what an impact I have on others by coaching them in their workouts. I also like to exercise with a partner, whether going for a walk/run, or attending a class of some sorts, it is always more fun to exercise with someone else!
5. Use Quotes - I love to find inspirational quotes, especially since I am addicted to Pinterest these days, I love "pinning" inspirational/motivational quotes. And whenever I need a pick-me-up, I read these quotes to help motivate me to get back on track.
I will end with a quote I found the recently and have found it to help me visualize my health goals and find my way back on track "Create a life that feels good on the inside. Not one that just looks good on the outside"
3 Easy Proven Weight Loss Tips
The secret to losing weight fast is eating more healthy foods and exercising more. Therefore, a good balanced diet that is high in fiber, vegetables and fruits while avoiding high calorie foods. The idea here is to make sure that you are burning more calories than you take in, thus weight loss. For example, you do not need to enroll in a gym, but engaging in your hobbies like swimming, running with your dog, playing soccer, jogging e.t.c are simple enjoyable activities that keep your body fit while at the same time helping you burn the undesired calories.
1.) Reduce your calorie intake
It is advisable to increase your vegetable servings to a minimum of 4 per day and the fruit serving to 3 per day. Include complex carbohydrates in your diet because they take longer to digest thus keeping you feeling full for longer, have fewer calories and offer more nutritional value and other health benefits like low cholesterol and a decreased risk of heart disease. Examples of such foods are; whole grain foods, legumes, bran cereals, oats, high fiber vegetables and fruits. Avoid processed and refined foods because they are stored in the body as glucose and calories thus weight gain. Examples are; white rice, pasta, processed meats, caramel and fizzy drinks. Include proteins like unprocessed fish, chicken, nuts and seeds in your diet to help form your muscles and help in burning calories faster. The final and most important diet tip, for the weight loss journey is to eat small servings, do not skip meals, eat a healthy breakfast, and dinner should be served 1 hour before bedtime.
2.) Drink plenty of water and fresh juices
Drinking a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water a day aids in digestion, ensures that toxins are flushed out of the body system and keeps the skin hydrated and clear. Include fresh vegetable juices and fruits juice in your drinks. During the weight loss program, drinking 1 glass of organic vegetables juice per day makes sure that the body still has access to the energy it needs, keeps the body hydrated, helps to detoxify the body by eliminating toxins in the body and is able to burn down the calories fast. Juicing vegetables also boosts the body's immunity and soothes the digestion process.
In conclusion, the highlights to a successful weight loss program outlined above is to maintain a well balanced and high nutritious diet of whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables whilst a consistent exercise programme which will translate to a lean healthy body.
3.) Exercise as a hobby
Keeping the body fit is an essential to healthy weight loss and therefore it's important to engage your body in various activities that will help you achieve your goal. In doing this you want to choose an activity that is more of a hobby to ensure consistency and fun in doing it. For example, the following cardiovascular exercises will help you burn more calories, however it is advisable to alternate high impact cardio exercises and low impact for example running and speed walking. Other examples include: swimming, cycling, walking or running with your dog, walking to work, soccer, basketball, skiing, skipping rope, jogging, e.t.c
In conclusion, the highlights to a successful weight loss program outlined above is to maintain a well balanced and high nutritious diet of whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables whilst a consistent exercise programme which will translate to a lean healthy body. Try out these 3 simple tips and in 8 to 12 weeks you will have shed off those extra calories!
1.) Reduce your calorie intake
It is advisable to increase your vegetable servings to a minimum of 4 per day and the fruit serving to 3 per day. Include complex carbohydrates in your diet because they take longer to digest thus keeping you feeling full for longer, have fewer calories and offer more nutritional value and other health benefits like low cholesterol and a decreased risk of heart disease. Examples of such foods are; whole grain foods, legumes, bran cereals, oats, high fiber vegetables and fruits. Avoid processed and refined foods because they are stored in the body as glucose and calories thus weight gain. Examples are; white rice, pasta, processed meats, caramel and fizzy drinks. Include proteins like unprocessed fish, chicken, nuts and seeds in your diet to help form your muscles and help in burning calories faster. The final and most important diet tip, for the weight loss journey is to eat small servings, do not skip meals, eat a healthy breakfast, and dinner should be served 1 hour before bedtime.
2.) Drink plenty of water and fresh juices
Drinking a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water a day aids in digestion, ensures that toxins are flushed out of the body system and keeps the skin hydrated and clear. Include fresh vegetable juices and fruits juice in your drinks. During the weight loss program, drinking 1 glass of organic vegetables juice per day makes sure that the body still has access to the energy it needs, keeps the body hydrated, helps to detoxify the body by eliminating toxins in the body and is able to burn down the calories fast. Juicing vegetables also boosts the body's immunity and soothes the digestion process.
In conclusion, the highlights to a successful weight loss program outlined above is to maintain a well balanced and high nutritious diet of whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables whilst a consistent exercise programme which will translate to a lean healthy body.
3.) Exercise as a hobby
Keeping the body fit is an essential to healthy weight loss and therefore it's important to engage your body in various activities that will help you achieve your goal. In doing this you want to choose an activity that is more of a hobby to ensure consistency and fun in doing it. For example, the following cardiovascular exercises will help you burn more calories, however it is advisable to alternate high impact cardio exercises and low impact for example running and speed walking. Other examples include: swimming, cycling, walking or running with your dog, walking to work, soccer, basketball, skiing, skipping rope, jogging, e.t.c
In conclusion, the highlights to a successful weight loss program outlined above is to maintain a well balanced and high nutritious diet of whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables whilst a consistent exercise programme which will translate to a lean healthy body. Try out these 3 simple tips and in 8 to 12 weeks you will have shed off those extra calories!
How To Lose Weight in 2014
Many people talk about losing weight as the new year starts. So far it is one of the most common new year's resolution since time in memorial or since people started paying close attention to their body figure. The fact is only 5% people who made a new year's resolution to lose weight actually do it and only 3% were only successful. Somehow, this makes me think that maybe new year's resolutions are things that you don't want to do for that specific year because more often than not, people don't actually even try to accomplish these resolutions.
Now don't get me wrong. I've been observing some of my friends and the people around me who had a new year's resolution to lose weight but at the end of the year they even gained more. I had my share of new year's resolution in the past but not one of them is about losing weight but still I was able to accomplish them. I follow a strict guideline when it comes to doing new year's resolution that might help you especially if you want to lose weight this 2014.
1. It should be realistic and attainable
Always check if your resolution is indeed achievable or not. Don't make any new year's resolution which is totally impossible. A resolution is totally different to a dream. It requires action and is achievable within a given amount of time.
2. Make a time frame
Right after you decided what your new year resolution is, it is important that you create a timeline wherein you could evaluate whether you are actually achieving something or not. Like for example if you want to lose 150 pounds within that year. Then it would be wise to divide the entire year in four quarters and set goals per quarter. For example on March 2014, you should have already lost 20 pounds, then on June 2014, you should have already lost 60 pounds and so on. What this does is help you motivate yourself in doing all the things that you have to do in order to met you quota per quarter and at the same time provide an evaluation tool in order determine if what you're doing is actually helping you or not.
3. Create a list of things to do to attain it and turn them into habits
If you truly want to lose weight it is highly important that you try and make all of your weight loss actions into habits. That way you don't mind going to the gym 3 times a week simply because it grew into you and its something that you're already used to.
New Year's resolutions are fun but they're more fun if you actually do them. If you want to lose weight in 2014, then do everything you can to aid your weight loss right away!
Now don't get me wrong. I've been observing some of my friends and the people around me who had a new year's resolution to lose weight but at the end of the year they even gained more. I had my share of new year's resolution in the past but not one of them is about losing weight but still I was able to accomplish them. I follow a strict guideline when it comes to doing new year's resolution that might help you especially if you want to lose weight this 2014.
1. It should be realistic and attainable
Always check if your resolution is indeed achievable or not. Don't make any new year's resolution which is totally impossible. A resolution is totally different to a dream. It requires action and is achievable within a given amount of time.
2. Make a time frame
Right after you decided what your new year resolution is, it is important that you create a timeline wherein you could evaluate whether you are actually achieving something or not. Like for example if you want to lose 150 pounds within that year. Then it would be wise to divide the entire year in four quarters and set goals per quarter. For example on March 2014, you should have already lost 20 pounds, then on June 2014, you should have already lost 60 pounds and so on. What this does is help you motivate yourself in doing all the things that you have to do in order to met you quota per quarter and at the same time provide an evaluation tool in order determine if what you're doing is actually helping you or not.
3. Create a list of things to do to attain it and turn them into habits
If you truly want to lose weight it is highly important that you try and make all of your weight loss actions into habits. That way you don't mind going to the gym 3 times a week simply because it grew into you and its something that you're already used to.
New Year's resolutions are fun but they're more fun if you actually do them. If you want to lose weight in 2014, then do everything you can to aid your weight loss right away!
I Want Thinner Legs!
Love handles?
Think it's hopeless?
Think again!
There is a simple philosophy on weight loss that most people don't understand. You can get smooth, sexy legs without adopting a fitness model schedule. You don't have time to plan out six small meals a day or spend 3 hours at the gym every day. You can still lose that stubborn fat that piled up around your hips and thighs.
Here's what that philosophy boils down to. Your body stores toxins in fat cells. There are toxins in your body and it's constantly being pounded with more. They come from the food you eat, the air you breathe, they're even produced as a result of your body's natural functions and recovery processes.
Most of us produce more acidity and toxins than our bodies can handle. The same dietary problems that produce excess toxins also inhibit your body's ability to process those toxins out. The result is an unbalanced body with a bunch of toxins that it has to deal with.
In order to prevent these toxins from attacking your vital organs and functions, your body stores these excess toxins in fat cells! When these fat cells are full of toxins, they become swollen and inflamed. This swelling causes a lumpy appearance (cellulite).
This also makes your body resistant to weight loss. If your body thinks it needs more fat cells to protect itself, it will hold onto them! That's a major reason that you can lose a bunch of weight and have that stubborn 10-20 pounds that you just can't seem to get rid of. It's also the reason that many people think that once you have cellulite on your legs it never goes away!
The big secret is discovering how to detoxify the fat cells and balance the acidity/alkalinity levels in the body. Without the swelling and inflammation that comes from a toxic body, the fat cells will shrink, returning the surface above to a smooth appearance. It will also then allow the body to burn or break down those fat cells because they aren't necessary for protection.
So, what are some easy ways to detoxify those fat cells?
1. Drink more water
My first challenge to my weight loss clients is that they eliminate high-sugar beverages such as soda and sweet tea from their daily routines and replace them with water for 30 days. When they see the difference in the way they look and feel, it becomes easy to stay disciplined thereafter.
2. Eat more raw fruits and veggies
Raw fruits and vegetables contain the micro-nutrients necessary for a balanced body. They promote alkalinity in the body, and are key to disease prevention and healthy weight.
3. Find natural supplements that help balance the body
There are supplements available that use natural ingredients to detoxify and feed the body on a cellular level. There are also all-natural products that amp up the metabolism to burn extra calories every day. People who burn more calories and feed their cells with healthy micro-nutrients tend to burn fat at an all-time high.
My wife has lost about 25 pounds over the past three months by incorporating these principles. She had a serious problem with cellulite and her problem areas were her thighs and hips.
Today, her legs are smooth and cellulite-free. She doesn't have a special diet. She just avoids high levels of simple sugars and uses healthy supplements to maintain proper balance on a cellular level.
If your bounce has become a jiggle, and you'd like to get your sexy back, today is the day. If doing what you're doing isn't working, it's time to make a simple change. Try it for yourself.
Love handles?
Think it's hopeless?
Think again!
There is a simple philosophy on weight loss that most people don't understand. You can get smooth, sexy legs without adopting a fitness model schedule. You don't have time to plan out six small meals a day or spend 3 hours at the gym every day. You can still lose that stubborn fat that piled up around your hips and thighs.
Here's what that philosophy boils down to. Your body stores toxins in fat cells. There are toxins in your body and it's constantly being pounded with more. They come from the food you eat, the air you breathe, they're even produced as a result of your body's natural functions and recovery processes.
Most of us produce more acidity and toxins than our bodies can handle. The same dietary problems that produce excess toxins also inhibit your body's ability to process those toxins out. The result is an unbalanced body with a bunch of toxins that it has to deal with.
In order to prevent these toxins from attacking your vital organs and functions, your body stores these excess toxins in fat cells! When these fat cells are full of toxins, they become swollen and inflamed. This swelling causes a lumpy appearance (cellulite).
This also makes your body resistant to weight loss. If your body thinks it needs more fat cells to protect itself, it will hold onto them! That's a major reason that you can lose a bunch of weight and have that stubborn 10-20 pounds that you just can't seem to get rid of. It's also the reason that many people think that once you have cellulite on your legs it never goes away!
The big secret is discovering how to detoxify the fat cells and balance the acidity/alkalinity levels in the body. Without the swelling and inflammation that comes from a toxic body, the fat cells will shrink, returning the surface above to a smooth appearance. It will also then allow the body to burn or break down those fat cells because they aren't necessary for protection.
So, what are some easy ways to detoxify those fat cells?
1. Drink more water
My first challenge to my weight loss clients is that they eliminate high-sugar beverages such as soda and sweet tea from their daily routines and replace them with water for 30 days. When they see the difference in the way they look and feel, it becomes easy to stay disciplined thereafter.
2. Eat more raw fruits and veggies
Raw fruits and vegetables contain the micro-nutrients necessary for a balanced body. They promote alkalinity in the body, and are key to disease prevention and healthy weight.
3. Find natural supplements that help balance the body
There are supplements available that use natural ingredients to detoxify and feed the body on a cellular level. There are also all-natural products that amp up the metabolism to burn extra calories every day. People who burn more calories and feed their cells with healthy micro-nutrients tend to burn fat at an all-time high.
My wife has lost about 25 pounds over the past three months by incorporating these principles. She had a serious problem with cellulite and her problem areas were her thighs and hips.
Today, her legs are smooth and cellulite-free. She doesn't have a special diet. She just avoids high levels of simple sugars and uses healthy supplements to maintain proper balance on a cellular level.
If your bounce has become a jiggle, and you'd like to get your sexy back, today is the day. If doing what you're doing isn't working, it's time to make a simple change. Try it for yourself.
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android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is required so that you can import and export your data to and from text files.
If android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE shows up once you have installed Droid Weight, this is due to a bug in android: Droid Weight does not use the phone state or identity.
DOWNLOAD body fat calculator - For Android
DOWNLOAD Accurate Body Fat Calculator - For Android
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2. Tap the glass to reset to zero.
DOWNLOAD Drinking Water Secrets - For Android
DOWNLOAD The Secret of Weight - For Android
DOWNLOAD Water Counter Widget - For Android
2. Tap the glass to reset to zero.
DOWNLOAD Diabetes Risk Calculator - For Android
DOWNLOAD Drinking Water Secrets - For Android
DOWNLOAD How To Exercise With No Effort - For Android
DOWNLOAD The Secret of Weight - For Android
DOWNLOAD Raw Food Secrets - For Android
DOWNLOAD How To Exercise With No Effort - For Android
DOWNLOAD Raw Food Secrets - For Android
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