jeudi 26 septembre 2013

7 New Weight Loss Supplements That Really Work

With all the new weight loss drugs that come on the market - and generate controversy - many people are also turning to supplements to help lose weight. But a visit to the shelves at your local Whole Foods or other health food stores, and are guaranteed to feel overwhelmed. They really work and which do not? And are they safe?

For more information, I looked at the recommendations of leading naturopathic doctors and natural norm body, a database of reliable information about the latest research on supplements. You've probably never heard of most of the supplements mentioned here, but they all have a standard A or B Natural years to have positive scientific evidence supporting its use for weight loss.

(And if you want to know three new weight loss supplements with scientific credibility, check this.)

1. Hydroxycitrate, hydroxycitric acid or HCA

HCA is actually a salt derived from the bark of nuts, especially South Asian plants Brindal Berry and Garcinia cambogia. A traditional folk remedy of India, HCA has been used to treat problems in joints and stomach. Sold in pharmacies and supplement stores as HCA or Garcinia Berry Brindal Brindleberry, and is the main ingredient in diet products with names like Citrilite, Citrin, PhyrtriMax Bio-Max 3000, Garcinia and Trim-Pulse. Research supports the efficacy of HCA to reduce absorption of fat, increase fat metabolism, inhibiting appetite and reducing LDL cholesterol.

2. Chitosan

Learn more about the origins of chitosan and looks quite serious. Chitosan is a fiber derived from chitin, which is the main component of the shell (or exoskeleton to you scientific types), insects and crustaceans. Recommended by holistic practitioners to lower cholesterol, chitosan has also been promoted as a type of fiber that can help reduce fat absorption.

3. Whey protein

Healthand sports supplement stores have been selling the benefits of whey protein per year, but especially for building muscle, it seems. However, whey protein also suppresses the appetite, which helps you eat less. The whey protein, as can be guessed that is derived from whey, it is an easily digestible protein. Contains high levels of the amino acid cysteine. And having more muscle helps you lose weight too.

4. Beta Glucan

A soluble fiber concentrate yeasts, fungi and algae, beta-glucans take many forms, but all have the effect of reducing cholesterol, with the added benefits of weight loss and help control diabetes.

5. Conjugated linoleic acid or CLA

Omega 3 fatty acids and healthy fats are beneficial for all kinds of things, from brain health to heart health. But one of them, CLA appears to help weight loss also (in addition to the effects against cancer). CLA is found mainly in meat and dairy products, so if you are vegetarian or vegan, is probably not enough. CLA-enriched dairy products are in the works, but now you have to take a supplement, most of which are derived from safflower oil. CLA is a dietary supplement of the most popular health reducing body fat, if the evidence is mixed. Animal studies have planted to be effective, but studies in humans have been mixed.

6. Glucomannan

Derived from an Asian plant called Konjac glucomannan fiber is considered very effective in diabetes and glycemic control, with additional properties weight loss. Glucomannan has always been an important source of food if fried, baked or as a sweet. The fiber absorbs water in the digestive tract, reduced the absorption of cholesterol and carbohydrates, and research supports its role as a treatment for obesity. Glucomannan is traditionally used as a gel for application to the skin.

7. Fiber mango seed

The fiber from the seeds of African mango tree is a remedy for African traditional weight loss is finding new popularity alone or in combination with other dietary supplements. Is most commonly used in Africa as a natural antibiotic and analgesic. Is currently being studied for weight loss, diabetes and cholesterol reduction.

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