samedi 25 janvier 2014

How To Lose Weight in 2014

Many people talk about losing weight as the new year starts. So far it is one of the most common new year's resolution since time in memorial or since people started paying close attention to their body figure. The fact is only 5% people who made a new year's resolution to lose weight actually do it and only 3% were only successful. Somehow, this makes me think that maybe new year's resolutions are things that you don't want to do for that specific year because more often than not, people don't actually even try to accomplish these resolutions.

Now don't get me wrong. I've been observing some of my friends and the people around me who had a new year's resolution to lose weight but at the end of the year they even gained more. I had my share of new year's resolution in the past but not one of them is about losing weight but still I was able to accomplish them. I follow a strict guideline when it comes to doing new year's resolution that might help you especially if you want to lose weight this 2014.

1. It should be realistic and attainable

Always check if your resolution is indeed achievable or not. Don't make any new year's resolution which is totally impossible. A resolution is totally different to a dream. It requires action and is achievable within a given amount of time.

2. Make a time frame

Right after you decided what your new year resolution is, it is important that you create a timeline wherein you could evaluate whether you are actually achieving something or not. Like for example if you want to lose 150 pounds within that year. Then it would be wise to divide the entire year in four quarters and set goals per quarter. For example on March 2014, you should have already lost 20 pounds, then on June 2014, you should have already lost 60 pounds and so on. What this does is help you motivate yourself in doing all the things that you have to do in order to met you quota per quarter and at the same time provide an evaluation tool in order determine if what you're doing is actually helping you or not.

3. Create a list of things to do to attain it and turn them into habits

If you truly want to lose weight it is highly important that you try and make all of your weight loss actions into habits. That way you don't mind going to the gym 3 times a week simply because it grew into you and its something that you're already used to.

New Year's resolutions are fun but they're more fun if you actually do them. If you want to lose weight in 2014, then do everything you can to aid your weight loss right away!

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