jeudi 31 octobre 2013


healty meals
Ways to fight against carvings

It is hard to eat healthy meals always, particularly, when you really want to eat something which is not good for your health. During this pregnancy, in the duration of the first trimester, how can you imagine to lose weight when you really want to have sweets all the time? There are some useful and beneficial tips, I am giving you:

1. Whenever you feel craving, just distract your mind. You should go for a walk, or start cleaning the house, start reading any book or novel or go out to somewhere. After some time, you will feel that you have no more craving, instead your house would be clean.

2. Try to counsel yourself. First tell yourself that you will eat an apple. If you are really feeling hungry, it will help you go away the hunger. But if you are not hungry, then you won’t feel good to have an apple. So now you have to adapt step no. 1 i.e., distract your mind.

3. Water: When you have a craving, have a glass of water. It happens many times that you feel hungry but it is just dehydration that appears to be craving. Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water. If, still, you are hungry then go for some healthier food.

4. Sleep properly. Everyone is required to have some sleep for 7 to 9 hours at night. Bad or improper sleeping habits also cause useless cravings. Whenever, I couldn’t get enough sleep, I overeat the next day. That’s why, I make sure that I am following a maintained schedule.

5. Switch to healthier food. I have been trying to switch my junk food to healthy diet. I tried to exchange burgers, cold drinks and chips with raw truffles, salads and fruits. It takes time to make you habitual for such things. But once you get used to, you will feel the difference. Your cravings for zinger and fries would be wear off and you would wish for wheat pasta.

Do you think I am suggesting you not to eat cake ever? No! It is not like that. The thumb rule is moderation. Be moderate in your habits. You can have a little piece of cake on some occasions. But don’t eat on a daily basis.

How can you keep the normal pressure of blood?

high blood pressure
Blood Pressure

The risky thing regarding most conditions of medical which associate to a heart, like the high pressure of blood, are that there’re sometime no signs which indicate the trouble. One method to recognize if the heart is in good condition is to look the doctor or medical practitioner one time in the year for the checkup.

Getting the reading of blood pressure is very important in diagnosing the high pressure of blood. The process is non invasive, easy and painless if you have not had the pressure of blood taken. Generally, nurse or medical practitioner will wrap the cuff all around the arm, inflate this and after this deflate this, at the same time listening to the heartbeat. What they’re looking to decide is a force of a blood circulating all through vessels of blood.

There are the two numbers in the reading of blood pressure and the numbers show force of blood on exit and entry from the heart. The numbers are really termed diastolic and systolic.

When a medical practitioner or the nurse writes down reading this will look just like the fraction. Number of systolic will be really on the top and the number of diastolic will be over an underside.

What is the normal reading of blood pressure?

The normal reading of blood pressure is under 120 to 80. There is the condition which is known pre hypertensive and this has the readings which range from the 120/80 to 139/89. The hypertension stage one will have the reading of blood pressure of 140 /90 to the 159/99. The hypertension stage two will show the reading over the 160/100.

Instructions to maintain the normal pressure of blood

There are several of different methods to maintain the normal pressure of blood, however most significantly you require getting regular workout. The regular workout will aid you keep you healthy and this will provide the heart workout which this requires. Regular exercising maintains flow of the system of circulatory so that is why, this will eliminate the artery build up and clogging which can really cause the disease of heart, strokes and the heart attacks.

In order to maintain the normal level of blood pressure you should eat the organic food items such as the vegetables, nuts and fruit. Minimizing processed food items which you eat. Not just the processed foot addictive and fattening, this is made with the chemicals as well. The food items leave you really at the high danger for the things such as the heart disease, high level of blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.

To maintain the normal level of the blood pressure, you should lower the stress and stop smoking. Smoking can contribute to the high level of blood pressure. The stress is the huge contributor for the high level of blood pressure as well and most conditions of medical for that issue, so you require learning and understanding how you can lower stress in the life. You should take up the tai chi or the yoga exercises regularly, eat right, learn to meditate, and you’ll conquer the stress. It is extremely significant as to lower the susceptibility to the hypertension. And you should learn to control the stress appropriately.

Let’s Discover Natural Cure for Acne

natural cure for acne
Natural Cure For Acne

Now a day, everyone wants a natural cure for acne; because pimples; blackheads; whiteheads and zits are the most annoying marks a person always hates to find over his/her skin. I am sure; you would be having the same feelings. . How soothing it would be to get rid of them. But unfortunately there is no such acne treatment being discovered so far. Yet, if you are thinking of going to cure acne naturally, you are lucky to come with the upright solution.

Let’s know first what acne is?

With inflammatory tendencies, Acne may stem out due to various reasons on your skin. Out of which most common causes are bacterial infections; sebum’s over growth; environmental/climatic reasons; hormonal growth and the genetic order even. Acne not only diminishes a persons’ natural beauty by leaving marks but also adversely affects self confidence and self esteem of the particular person.

Let’s learn natural cure for acne:

You must not undermine the precaution side as it is a must to stay away for acne. You cannot regard a natural acne remedy as a miracle since it is an everyday task to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

1. Clean and clear skin is less prone to acne attacks. To avoid any dirt traces on the skin, it is highly recommended to take 2 showers per day.

2. Don’t touch your face unnecessarily. If you are an acne victim, any foreign bacterial approach could lead to more severe outcomes.

3. Don’t let your skin get exposed to sun-rays. There is no doubt that sunlight is a great natural source of Vitamin D, however too much skin contact with sun rays will have a negative effect on your skin acne treatment and you will definitely fail to get natural cure for acne.

4. Drink as much water as possible. Water is not only helpful in keeping you safe from dehydration but it also keeps your system functioning smooth by eliminating toxins and other harmful materials. You can’t imagine how dangerous these materials could be for your skin, if concentrated ones.

5. Don’t forget to apply a moisturizer over your skin especially after showers. Your dermatologist can better guide you about one matching your skin type. It prevents your skin being dry and rough.

By following these 5 simple natural cures for acne rules, you can better cure acne. A few home methods would be great as well to get rid of it quickly. For instance, you can get faster results by applying crushed garlic or castor oil on the pimpled skin. Never forget the value of your skin as it’s your greatest treasure. Fight back acne and say no to it as soon as you find even the slightest trace over your beautiful skin.

Let’s Discover Natural Cure for Acne

natural cure for acne
Natural Cure For Acne

Now a day, everyone wants a natural cure for acne; because pimples; blackheads; whiteheads and zits are the most annoying marks a person always hates to find over his/her skin. I am sure; you would be having the same feelings. . How soothing it would be to get rid of them. But unfortunately there is no such acne treatment being discovered so far. Yet, if you are thinking of going to cure acne naturally, you are lucky to come with the upright solution.

Let’s know first what acne is?

With inflammatory tendencies, Acne may stem out due to various reasons on your skin. Out of which most common causes are bacterial infections; sebum’s over growth; environmental/climatic reasons; hormonal growth and the genetic order even. Acne not only diminishes a persons’ natural beauty by leaving marks but also adversely affects self confidence and self esteem of the particular person.

Let’s learn natural cure for acne:

You must not undermine the precaution side as it is a must to stay away for acne. You cannot regard a natural acne remedy as a miracle since it is an everyday task to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

1. Clean and clear skin is less prone to acne attacks. To avoid any dirt traces on the skin, it is highly recommended to take 2 showers per day.

2. Don’t touch your face unnecessarily. If you are an acne victim, any foreign bacterial approach could lead to more severe outcomes.

3. Don’t let your skin get exposed to sun-rays. There is no doubt that sunlight is a great natural source of Vitamin D, however too much skin contact with sun rays will have a negative effect on your skin acne treatment and you will definitely fail to get natural cure for acne.

4. Drink as much water as possible. Water is not only helpful in keeping you safe from dehydration but it also keeps your system functioning smooth by eliminating toxins and other harmful materials. You can’t imagine how dangerous these materials could be for your skin, if concentrated ones.

5. Don’t forget to apply a moisturizer over your skin especially after showers. Your dermatologist can better guide you about one matching your skin type. It prevents your skin being dry and rough.

By following these 5 simple natural cures for acne rules, you can better cure acne. A few home methods would be great as well to get rid of it quickly. For instance, you can get faster results by applying crushed garlic or castor oil on the pimpled skin. Never forget the value of your skin as it’s your greatest treasure. Fight back acne and say no to it as soon as you find even the slightest trace over your beautiful skin.

Seven Best Tips You Should Consider When Starting A New Weight Loss Diet

weight loss diet
Weight Loss Diet

If you have in plan to lose some weight, check to following tips and tricks, in order to easier your job. You find here the best practices you should consider when starting your weight loss diet.

First of all, try to make an analysis regarding the amount of calories you eat, and the number of calories you consume every day. In fact, it’s like a mathematical equation. If you eat more calories than you consume, the surplus will be transformed into fat, easily stored inside your body. Try to take a look on each food label you would like to eat. You will be surprised how many calories have a small piece of chocolate or one hundred grams of chips.

The second step is to carefully select what you eat. However, don’t even think about removing important food groups. There are weight loss diets claiming that eating just one food group per day, or even per week, will help you lose weight. While this is partially true, do not hope that this solution will bring you long-term results. You might quickly lose some pounds, but there are two big enough disadvantages: the first one is that, this type of diet won’t give you the same result when you repeat it – so it can fool your body just once; the second one – you will deprive yourself of important nutrients, needed for a good development and a healthy body.

Thirdly, make sure to eat the appropriate foods giving you enough fibers. Besides the fact that fibers allow the human body to properly work (and therefore are mandatory), they will also represent a natural weight loss add. Include in your weight loss diet different fruit as vegetables. They all contains important mineral and vitamins, and, of course, not to be neglected amount of fibers.

As a fourth advise, do not remove all of your culinary pleasures. You should not deny yourself the so-called ‘bad’ foods. It is even recommended to eat, once a week, what you really like but, do not exaggerate. Try to eat a small piece of chocolate or a cup of ice-cream or something else that you enjoy.

Next, be careful not to starve yourself. Pay attention to the calories’ amount you daily eat. If you cut too many calories, you will end up by quickly losing weight, but, unfortunately, you will lose a large amount of your muscle mass, and not fat. In addition, as soon as you start to your eating habits, you will quickly gain back all the weight.

Further, pay attention to the portion sizes. This is a really important factor, which might help your weight loss diet to succeed. You can read the food label, in order to be correctly informed on the number of calories. However, it all depends on the cooking method. You should avoid using oil and other high fat additional foods. In order to find out how many calories have a cooked food, you can always check some certified websites on the Internet. You should understand the importance of proper portion sizes and that it’s always better to daily eat 5 small portions, instead of 3 big ones.

Finally, try to motivate yourself when you’re in the gym class. If you have performed some fitness exercises and you think it’s enough, think once more about it. Perhaps you would like to drink an orange juice later while watching a movie. If that is the case, just try to do some more exercises, just to be sure that you’ll not blame yourself for that glass of juice.

Apply all these seven tips when you’re starting a new weight loss diet, and you will certainly get the desired results!

Seven Best Tips You Should Consider When Starting A New Weight Loss Diet

weight loss diet
Weight Loss Diet

If you have in plan to lose some weight, check to following tips and tricks, in order to easier your job. You find here the best practices you should consider when starting your weight loss diet.

First of all, try to make an analysis regarding the amount of calories you eat, and the number of calories you consume every day. In fact, it’s like a mathematical equation. If you eat more calories than you consume, the surplus will be transformed into fat, easily stored inside your body. Try to take a look on each food label you would like to eat. You will be surprised how many calories have a small piece of chocolate or one hundred grams of chips.

The second step is to carefully select what you eat. However, don’t even think about removing important food groups. There are weight loss diets claiming that eating just one food group per day, or even per week, will help you lose weight. While this is partially true, do not hope that this solution will bring you long-term results. You might quickly lose some pounds, but there are two big enough disadvantages: the first one is that, this type of diet won’t give you the same result when you repeat it – so it can fool your body just once; the second one – you will deprive yourself of important nutrients, needed for a good development and a healthy body.

Thirdly, make sure to eat the appropriate foods giving you enough fibers. Besides the fact that fibers allow the human body to properly work (and therefore are mandatory), they will also represent a natural weight loss add. Include in your weight loss diet different fruit as vegetables. They all contains important mineral and vitamins, and, of course, not to be neglected amount of fibers.

As a fourth advise, do not remove all of your culinary pleasures. You should not deny yourself the so-called ‘bad’ foods. It is even recommended to eat, once a week, what you really like but, do not exaggerate. Try to eat a small piece of chocolate or a cup of ice-cream or something else that you enjoy.

Next, be careful not to starve yourself. Pay attention to the calories’ amount you daily eat. If you cut too many calories, you will end up by quickly losing weight, but, unfortunately, you will lose a large amount of your muscle mass, and not fat. In addition, as soon as you start to your eating habits, you will quickly gain back all the weight.

Further, pay attention to the portion sizes. This is a really important factor, which might help your weight loss diet to succeed. You can read the food label, in order to be correctly informed on the number of calories. However, it all depends on the cooking method. You should avoid using oil and other high fat additional foods. In order to find out how many calories have a cooked food, you can always check some certified websites on the Internet. You should understand the importance of proper portion sizes and that it’s always better to daily eat 5 small portions, instead of 3 big ones.

Finally, try to motivate yourself when you’re in the gym class. If you have performed some fitness exercises and you think it’s enough, think once more about it. Perhaps you would like to drink an orange juice later while watching a movie. If that is the case, just try to do some more exercises, just to be sure that you’ll not blame yourself for that glass of juice.

Apply all these seven tips when you’re starting a new weight loss diet, and you will certainly get the desired results!

The Best Way to Lose Weight without Making Sport

weight loss
Diet for weight loss

Everyone who wants to lose weight with different activities especially when they are adults with many responsibilities like professional, personal and family, they generally chose sports as the best way to lose weight. But there is also some best way to lose weight without making any sport and that is adoption of healthy diet taking habits.

And if you find the different way to lose weight and not through physical activity, would you believe it? It is certain that the regular practice of sport is experiencing a wide range of benefits. But, it is also possible to lose weight by changing your diet and become healthy in a balanced way. You need not go outside at gym after your work time, rather taking balanced diet you can be happy with your health and spend some leisure time with your family.

At all, the sport is a very nice and best way to lose weight more, and also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, better sleep, more stable moods, etc., but it is also true that some people have really no time and some simply do not like sports (although even if you do not like it when you start, it quickly becomes addictive and a good source of relaxation).

Professionals will certainly agree to that, the two best ways to lose weight are eating a healthy and balanced diet and does regular physical activity. For cons, you should know that many people do not like just do it, but despite this, other people will be able to lose weight without too much problem, but it is certain that the weight loss will be slower without the presence of physical activities.

Do not worry about diet; it is just a good eating pattern, which provides not only a very healthy diet but also varied and somewhat restrictive. By cons, for those who eat an unbalanced diet, rich in fat and sugar, you must be ready to improve your diet, that is to say, minimizing the consumption of these foods that are highly nutritious but at the same time lows energy level.

A person who wants the best way to lose weight through a healthy diet only must understand that the weight loss will be slower than if he/she would practice only 30 minutes of walking per day, because the loss equation is as follow:

Energy intake (diet) <Energy Expenditure (sport, BMR)

To be certain that you will succeed in losing weight; just follow some nutritional guidelines of food groups as the best way to lose weight.

Cereal Products

The grain products differ from one person to another depending on gender, age and level of physical activity, however, the serving amount is 5-8 daily. For a much more healthy diet chooses your bread, pasta and cereal, prefer 100% whole wheat grains or grain products unlike made with refined flour, because they contain more fiber, which will allows you to have a feeling of fullness more quickly and thoroughly, it will also help you reduce cravings for snacks, promote intestinal transit and help reduce bad cholesterol blood.

All these factors taken together will allow you to have a greater ability to lose weight because many people feel a great fear of hunger when they decide to lose weight, but this is not the case, so don’t worry about it.


Although some beliefs still want us to believe that dairy products are badly for the line, it is quite the opposite. In fact, dairy products, in addition containing good crabs, provide protein, calcium, vitamins and other essential minerals in our body that works properly. In addition, since dairy products contain protein, it gives you a feeling of satiety with more satisfying, which will prevents you from snacking all day and you reused a second plate at meal times, which obviously decreases the number of calories which are consumed daily, and promote weight loss by doing so.

As a matter of line, but also health, it would be preferable to opt for skimmed milk products, milk and yogurt to less than 2% fat cheese and less than 20% fat. The number of daily servings is from 2 to 4.

Meat and Alternatives

This food group is important in the context of a healthy diet and loses weight, since it is in the meat and alternatives where we find the greatest amount of protein. You should consume 2 to 3 servings of meat and alternatives every day, which is quite different from protein diets, although they are fairly effective in losing weight quickly, but it is not without danger.

The best selection of meats and alternatives are scarce, such as lentils, chickpeas, beans, tofu, poultry (without skin), ham, turkey, pork, eggs, salmon, the filet of sole, shrimp, crab, scallops, mussels, oysters, herring, mackerel, trout, offal, etc.

Fruits and Vegetables

It is certain that this food group will be your ally force wanting to lose weight because fruits and vegetables, in addition are containing many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber, provide very little fat and are a somewhat low calorie. It is certain that you must opt preferably for fruits and vegetables, as they contain more fiber than juice, frozen and canned fruits. Regarding the amount to consume daily, it ranges from five to ten servings and portions of these, you should consume (this is preferable) one fruit and / or vegetable, yellow and orange vitamins differ as a result and any other vegetable depending on its color also because as you can imagine, orange fruits and vegetables contain more beta-carotene than fruits and vegetables.

Physical Activity

It is not necessary to register in a gym or to prepare for a marathon, but there are so many small things you can do every day that you can spend an amount of energy (calories) go as the sweeper, walk to get to work, go mower, shovel snow, walk with friends, gardening, swimming in the pool with the kids, etc.

Well, it is certain that all these physical activities do not always require as many as cardiovascular endurance sports (cycling, jogging, weight lifting, jumping rope, etc.) do. But still, they allow an expensive energy that will promotes the best way to lose weight.

It would be wiser to increase the frequency of activities of daily life to increase your energy and at the same time increase your chances of losing weight.

What are the necessary foods at pregnancy?

foods for pregnancy
Pregnancy Foods

For eating well during pregnancy, follow the guide. All foods given below to eat during pregnancy must vary and alternate and not be subjected to any baby food shortage.


Animal proteins are found primarily in meat, fish and eggs. Vegetable proteins are found in cereals and legumes. Each of these foods is a source of different proteins but essential. Therefore, it is advisable to consume animal proteins once or twice per day, fish twice a week. Plant protein can be taken with each meal.


You need to consume fat at the beginning of pregnancy; on the one hand they provide energy for your baby, and on the other hand they are necessary for the functioning of the nerve cells. To consume lipids prefer unrefined vegetable fats, e.g., olive oil, canola, sunflower etc., and for animal fats take butter and cream.


It is advisable to eat carbohydrates at least once per day because they are a source of energy to the body. Carbohydrates are made up of sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose) and starch provided by cereal crops. Therefore eat cereal crops and fruits, because they contain good sugar, vitamins and trace elements. Avoid white sugar content in sodas, candy, cakes and cookies.


A balanced diet normally brings you all the necessary vitamins. However, supplementation with folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin D has been proven. For vitamins A & C, you should eat fruits and fresh vegetables. For vitamin E, peanut, almonds, tomato, spinach, green turnip, mango pulp, papaya, broccoli and crab are the best source.

Trace elements

You will need iodine, find in the salt iodized sea fish, but also in dairy products and eggs. For iron, eat meat, black pudding cooked, fish, legumes and vegetables. For zinc, you will find it in whole grains, legumes, fish, red meat and shellfish. Finally eat fluorine, eat mackerel, sardine, salmon, potato, apple, beef, chicken and spinach.


Eating three dairy products a day is recommended to ensure an adequate intake of calcium. But you can find calcium also in the following products: almonds, hazelnuts, dried beans, lentils, sardines, cauliflower etc. Some mineral waters also have calcium in it, by reading the label you can find the amount, they must contain at least 150mg of calcium per liter. Finally, you will also need magnesium which can be found in cocoa, nuts, legumes etc.

The Best Way to Lose Weight without Making Sport

weight loss
Diet for weight loss

Everyone who wants to lose weight with different activities especially when they are adults with many responsibilities like professional, personal and family, they generally chose sports as the best way to lose weight. But there is also some best way to lose weight without making any sport and that is adoption of healthy diet taking habits.

And if you find the different way to lose weight and not through physical activity, would you believe it? It is certain that the regular practice of sport is experiencing a wide range of benefits. But, it is also possible to lose weight by changing your diet and become healthy in a balanced way. You need not go outside at gym after your work time, rather taking balanced diet you can be happy with your health and spend some leisure time with your family.

At all, the sport is a very nice and best way to lose weight more, and also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, better sleep, more stable moods, etc., but it is also true that some people have really no time and some simply do not like sports (although even if you do not like it when you start, it quickly becomes addictive and a good source of relaxation).

Professionals will certainly agree to that, the two best ways to lose weight are eating a healthy and balanced diet and does regular physical activity. For cons, you should know that many people do not like just do it, but despite this, other people will be able to lose weight without too much problem, but it is certain that the weight loss will be slower without the presence of physical activities.

Do not worry about diet; it is just a good eating pattern, which provides not only a very healthy diet but also varied and somewhat restrictive. By cons, for those who eat an unbalanced diet, rich in fat and sugar, you must be ready to improve your diet, that is to say, minimizing the consumption of these foods that are highly nutritious but at the same time lows energy level.

A person who wants the best way to lose weight through a healthy diet only must understand that the weight loss will be slower than if he/she would practice only 30 minutes of walking per day, because the loss equation is as follow:

Energy intake (diet) <Energy Expenditure (sport, BMR)

To be certain that you will succeed in losing weight; just follow some nutritional guidelines of food groups as the best way to lose weight.

Cereal Products

The grain products differ from one person to another depending on gender, age and level of physical activity, however, the serving amount is 5-8 daily. For a much more healthy diet chooses your bread, pasta and cereal, prefer 100% whole wheat grains or grain products unlike made with refined flour, because they contain more fiber, which will allows you to have a feeling of fullness more quickly and thoroughly, it will also help you reduce cravings for snacks, promote intestinal transit and help reduce bad cholesterol blood.

All these factors taken together will allow you to have a greater ability to lose weight because many people feel a great fear of hunger when they decide to lose weight, but this is not the case, so don’t worry about it.


Although some beliefs still want us to believe that dairy products are badly for the line, it is quite the opposite. In fact, dairy products, in addition containing good crabs, provide protein, calcium, vitamins and other essential minerals in our body that works properly. In addition, since dairy products contain protein, it gives you a feeling of satiety with more satisfying, which will prevents you from snacking all day and you reused a second plate at meal times, which obviously decreases the number of calories which are consumed daily, and promote weight loss by doing so.

As a matter of line, but also health, it would be preferable to opt for skimmed milk products, milk and yogurt to less than 2% fat cheese and less than 20% fat. The number of daily servings is from 2 to 4.

Meat and Alternatives

This food group is important in the context of a healthy diet and loses weight, since it is in the meat and alternatives where we find the greatest amount of protein. You should consume 2 to 3 servings of meat and alternatives every day, which is quite different from protein diets, although they are fairly effective in losing weight quickly, but it is not without danger.

The best selection of meats and alternatives are scarce, such as lentils, chickpeas, beans, tofu, poultry (without skin), ham, turkey, pork, eggs, salmon, the filet of sole, shrimp, crab, scallops, mussels, oysters, herring, mackerel, trout, offal, etc.

Fruits and Vegetables

It is certain that this food group will be your ally force wanting to lose weight because fruits and vegetables, in addition are containing many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber, provide very little fat and are a somewhat low calorie. It is certain that you must opt preferably for fruits and vegetables, as they contain more fiber than juice, frozen and canned fruits. Regarding the amount to consume daily, it ranges from five to ten servings and portions of these, you should consume (this is preferable) one fruit and / or vegetable, yellow and orange vitamins differ as a result and any other vegetable depending on its color also because as you can imagine, orange fruits and vegetables contain more beta-carotene than fruits and vegetables.

Physical Activity

It is not necessary to register in a gym or to prepare for a marathon, but there are so many small things you can do every day that you can spend an amount of energy (calories) go as the sweeper, walk to get to work, go mower, shovel snow, walk with friends, gardening, swimming in the pool with the kids, etc.

Well, it is certain that all these physical activities do not always require as many as cardiovascular endurance sports (cycling, jogging, weight lifting, jumping rope, etc.) do. But still, they allow an expensive energy that will promotes the best way to lose weight.

It would be wiser to increase the frequency of activities of daily life to increase your energy and at the same time increase your chances of losing weight.

How To React When Baby Has An Ear Infection?

ear infections
Ear Infection

Baby has an ear infection: Symptoms!

Most often, you can mark a baby ear infection when he swings his head from left to right regularly even when he is lying. He can also put his or her hands to ears, a fever, or even have diarrhea. But more importantly, he cries and screams in pain! Also some bad odor comes out from his/her ears. In these cases, not a minute to lose, go faster to your general practitioner who will prescribe antibiotics and / or anti-inflammatory. If, however, baby has an ear infection that recurs frequently, here are some tips that could help you relieve your baby’s ear infections.

Baby has an ear infection: Solutions!

- Blow baby several times a day with a baby fly and / or saline.

- Ventilate your home daily and especially the baby room.

- Do not bring to the pool because it contains water that can promote the spread of infections.

- Remember to consult a homeopath so that he prescribes a DMARD.

- In winter, it is often better to walk outside because the fresh air constricts small blood vessels and decongest the affected area and secretions circulate better.

- Try the osteopathic! A head massage can make him feel good!

These are some ways to help relieve baby's ear infection. It is important not to let the ear back repeatedly in order to protect the damage of eardrums and go through the operation.

What are the necessary foods at pregnancy?

foods for pregnancy
Pregnancy Foods

For eating well during pregnancy, follow the guide. All foods given below to eat during pregnancy must vary and alternate and not be subjected to any baby food shortage.


Animal proteins are found primarily in meat, fish and eggs. Vegetable proteins are found in cereals and legumes. Each of these foods is a source of different proteins but essential. Therefore, it is advisable to consume animal proteins once or twice per day, fish twice a week. Plant protein can be taken with each meal.


You need to consume fat at the beginning of pregnancy; on the one hand they provide energy for your baby, and on the other hand they are necessary for the functioning of the nerve cells. To consume lipids prefer unrefined vegetable fats, e.g., olive oil, canola, sunflower etc., and for animal fats take butter and cream.


It is advisable to eat carbohydrates at least once per day because they are a source of energy to the body. Carbohydrates are made up of sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose) and starch provided by cereal crops. Therefore eat cereal crops and fruits, because they contain good sugar, vitamins and trace elements. Avoid white sugar content in sodas, candy, cakes and cookies.


A balanced diet normally brings you all the necessary vitamins. However, supplementation with folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin D has been proven. For vitamins A & C, you should eat fruits and fresh vegetables. For vitamin E, peanut, almonds, tomato, spinach, green turnip, mango pulp, papaya, broccoli and crab are the best source.

Trace elements

You will need iodine, find in the salt iodized sea fish, but also in dairy products and eggs. For iron, eat meat, black pudding cooked, fish, legumes and vegetables. For zinc, you will find it in whole grains, legumes, fish, red meat and shellfish. Finally eat fluorine, eat mackerel, sardine, salmon, potato, apple, beef, chicken and spinach.


Eating three dairy products a day is recommended to ensure an adequate intake of calcium. But you can find calcium also in the following products: almonds, hazelnuts, dried beans, lentils, sardines, cauliflower etc. Some mineral waters also have calcium in it, by reading the label you can find the amount, they must contain at least 150mg of calcium per liter. Finally, you will also need magnesium which can be found in cocoa, nuts, legumes etc.

How to Prepare Yourself to Begin a Running Program

woman running along seabeach
Running Woman

Preparation for Running: good nutrition intake

You want to make running your endurance to work or simply maintain your shape? Perhaps you plan to deepen your ability to running competitions for different levels? You will need force to ensure the race, but it is out of the question to eat everything you get your hands on. Then you should give priority to eat proteins, carbohydrates and many vitamins. For protein, eat white meat such as fish or chicken. For carbohydrates, the rice and pasta lovers will be delighted because these foods contain a lot. And there are plenty of vitamins in eating fruits and green vegetables. Many professional runners drink three liters of water before a workout and a liter after it. Obviously, you can drink a little less if your race is not particularly strong. Try to drink only when you are thirsty because that means you are already dehydrated, which is very favorable to many problems.

Preparation for running: a specific warm is essential

Like any physical activity, running requires a warm quality whether it is a workout or competition. But in addition to the basic warm-up exercises, suitable for all sports, who are ready to run should seek some muscles more than others who avoid sweating and other muscle and joint injuries of all kinds. The warm-up is based on the technique of muscle recruitment and chest down, but also need movements accented to the muscles by running. Always start with a little jog for ten minutes and then perform exercises soliciting hamstrings, the muscles at the back of the thighs. Trot on the spot by joining the heel to buttocks. Along the muscles in front of thighs raise the knees toward the chest and the pelvis forward by putting on tiptoe. Perform the following major strides with your legs straight up. For this exercise, the body should remain straight. Finally accelerate a short race of 30m and stretch with some stretching exercises. Each series of movements requires a recovery time equal to the time of effort that is to say that if you make a move for 15s, recover for 15s. You should follow the above diet and exercising facts before you start for running.

How To React When Baby Has An Ear Infection?

ear infections
Ear Infection

Baby has an ear infection: Symptoms!

Most often, you can mark a baby ear infection when he swings his head from left to right regularly even when he is lying. He can also put his or her hands to ears, a fever, or even have diarrhea. But more importantly, he cries and screams in pain! Also some bad odor comes out from his/her ears. In these cases, not a minute to lose, go faster to your general practitioner who will prescribe antibiotics and / or anti-inflammatory. If, however, baby has an ear infection that recurs frequently, here are some tips that could help you relieve your baby’s ear infections.

Baby has an ear infection: Solutions!

- Blow baby several times a day with a baby fly and / or saline.

- Ventilate your home daily and especially the baby room.

- Do not bring to the pool because it contains water that can promote the spread of infections.

- Remember to consult a homeopath so that he prescribes a DMARD.

- In winter, it is often better to walk outside because the fresh air constricts small blood vessels and decongest the affected area and secretions circulate better.

- Try the osteopathic! A head massage can make him feel good!

These are some ways to help relieve baby's ear infection. It is important not to let the ear back repeatedly in order to protect the damage of eardrums and go through the operation.

How to Prepare Yourself to Begin a Running Program

woman running along seabeach
Running Woman

Preparation for Running: good nutrition intake

You want to make running your endurance to work or simply maintain your shape? Perhaps you plan to deepen your ability to running competitions for different levels? You will need force to ensure the race, but it is out of the question to eat everything you get your hands on. Then you should give priority to eat proteins, carbohydrates and many vitamins. For protein, eat white meat such as fish or chicken. For carbohydrates, the rice and pasta lovers will be delighted because these foods contain a lot. And there are plenty of vitamins in eating fruits and green vegetables. Many professional runners drink three liters of water before a workout and a liter after it. Obviously, you can drink a little less if your race is not particularly strong. Try to drink only when you are thirsty because that means you are already dehydrated, which is very favorable to many problems.

Preparation for running: a specific warm is essential

Like any physical activity, running requires a warm quality whether it is a workout or competition. But in addition to the basic warm-up exercises, suitable for all sports, who are ready to run should seek some muscles more than others who avoid sweating and other muscle and joint injuries of all kinds. The warm-up is based on the technique of muscle recruitment and chest down, but also need movements accented to the muscles by running. Always start with a little jog for ten minutes and then perform exercises soliciting hamstrings, the muscles at the back of the thighs. Trot on the spot by joining the heel to buttocks. Along the muscles in front of thighs raise the knees toward the chest and the pelvis forward by putting on tiptoe. Perform the following major strides with your legs straight up. For this exercise, the body should remain straight. Finally accelerate a short race of 30m and stretch with some stretching exercises. Each series of movements requires a recovery time equal to the time of effort that is to say that if you make a move for 15s, recover for 15s. You should follow the above diet and exercising facts before you start for running.

How to prevent burning after shaving

prevent after shaving
Burning after shaving

Shaving can be unpleasant to the skin, but here are some tips to follow so that you can shave more comfortably without feeling the same burn every time.

The lame razor can cause very uncomfortable sensations, burns or cuts, and a red, irritated skin is not really attractive. Most men have experienced this pain at least once or several times in their lives, and this is an experience you would not want to repeat often if you cannot escape it. Fortunately, there are some tips that men can use to prevent these burns sometimes almost daily.

Taking care of your skin cream or lotion

Burning sensation after shaving is due to irritation of the skin. The skin is not really made to be passed to the razor sharp, which is why she reacts badly to this kind of process. To feed and help reduce sensitivity, men should use cream or lotion for the face at least once a day. Admittedly, this may seem too feminine at first, but it is the best thing to do for your skin, and this will help delay the onset of wrinkles and prevent rashes. There are currently moisturizers specially formulated for men. So gentlemen, you have nothing to fear, you will not feel the pink! Once hydrated, the skin will not be irritated by shaving and this first step you will therefore prevent unpleasant sensations of it.

Before shaving, prepare your skin

The next step is to exfoliate your face before shaving. Exfoliate the skin before shaving, straighten hair and make it softer, shaving will become less severe during friction against the skin. As the hair will be cut more easily, you will not have to force your poor face when you move the shaver over your skin, which result in less irritation. There are several exfoliating products made for men, ideal for this purpose.

A quality razor or quality blades

Now, probably the most important factor for the prevention of burns after shaving is definitely the quality and condition of the razor itself. A razor that is not sharp tear hair instead of cut or severs so hard leaving microscopic bits in the skin; this is the leading cause of burn after shaving. So make sure to use a sharp razor diminish irritation and as you know this is probably the most important step and also the easiest, check often and well that your razor is sharp before leaving hunting for fur.

Selection and application of shaving cream

One of the most obvious is to use enough shaving cream. Many men think that using soap will work well, but often it does not soften the hair and does not protect the skin like shaving lotions. You do not need to own the most expensive shaving creams but a good amount of foam on the face protect the delicate skin against irritation at the most sensitive where easily develop irritation.

Aftershave lotion, a step not to forget

Finally, the last thing you can do to prevent burns is to apply a moisturizer or aftershave on your face immediately after shaving. Or a soothing moisturizing formula is ideal; because when you shave you remove a portion of the layer of oil that protects your skin from bacteria, wind and cold. If you use moisturizer immediately after shaving and if you have followed all the steps to the article, you should normally have a smooth shave with little or no burning.

Because the skin is very delicate, there is no way to eradicate shaving burn, but if you take more time by following these tips, it should help reduce the risks of suffering from irritation to future.

How to prevent burning after shaving

prevent after shaving
Burning after shaving

Shaving can be unpleasant to the skin, but here are some tips to follow so that you can shave more comfortably without feeling the same burn every time.

The lame razor can cause very uncomfortable sensations, burns or cuts, and a red, irritated skin is not really attractive. Most men have experienced this pain at least once or several times in their lives, and this is an experience you would not want to repeat often if you cannot escape it. Fortunately, there are some tips that men can use to prevent these burns sometimes almost daily.

Taking care of your skin cream or lotion

Burning sensation after shaving is due to irritation of the skin. The skin is not really made to be passed to the razor sharp, which is why she reacts badly to this kind of process. To feed and help reduce sensitivity, men should use cream or lotion for the face at least once a day. Admittedly, this may seem too feminine at first, but it is the best thing to do for your skin, and this will help delay the onset of wrinkles and prevent rashes. There are currently moisturizers specially formulated for men. So gentlemen, you have nothing to fear, you will not feel the pink! Once hydrated, the skin will not be irritated by shaving and this first step you will therefore prevent unpleasant sensations of it.

Before shaving, prepare your skin

The next step is to exfoliate your face before shaving. Exfoliate the skin before shaving, straighten hair and make it softer, shaving will become less severe during friction against the skin. As the hair will be cut more easily, you will not have to force your poor face when you move the shaver over your skin, which result in less irritation. There are several exfoliating products made for men, ideal for this purpose.

A quality razor or quality blades

Now, probably the most important factor for the prevention of burns after shaving is definitely the quality and condition of the razor itself. A razor that is not sharp tear hair instead of cut or severs so hard leaving microscopic bits in the skin; this is the leading cause of burn after shaving. So make sure to use a sharp razor diminish irritation and as you know this is probably the most important step and also the easiest, check often and well that your razor is sharp before leaving hunting for fur.

Selection and application of shaving cream

One of the most obvious is to use enough shaving cream. Many men think that using soap will work well, but often it does not soften the hair and does not protect the skin like shaving lotions. You do not need to own the most expensive shaving creams but a good amount of foam on the face protect the delicate skin against irritation at the most sensitive where easily develop irritation.

Aftershave lotion, a step not to forget

Finally, the last thing you can do to prevent burns is to apply a moisturizer or aftershave on your face immediately after shaving. Or a soothing moisturizing formula is ideal; because when you shave you remove a portion of the layer of oil that protects your skin from bacteria, wind and cold. If you use moisturizer immediately after shaving and if you have followed all the steps to the article, you should normally have a smooth shave with little or no burning.

Because the skin is very delicate, there is no way to eradicate shaving burn, but if you take more time by following these tips, it should help reduce the risks of suffering from irritation to future.

DOWNLOAD Ladies' Office Workout FREE - For Android

Cover art Brings a Personal Trainer to Your Phone.

Accompanied by our world-class bodybuilding coach to exercise every day, you can definitely keep fit and obtain a gorgeous figure.

Video showing how to do each exercise

As being a world-class bodybuilding coach, he trains ladies based upon a set of sophisticated theories and experiences and has released several related publications.

AFAA International Private Bodybuilding Coach Certificate

International LES MILLS Bodybuilding System 6 Items Certified Coach


Keep working out to achieve health and a perfect body.

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DOWNLOAD Six Pack Abs in Weeks - For Android

Cover art You've been obsessing over your abs for almost two decades. That ends now. Because we laid out one of the best ab workouts for women to kick those elusive buggers out of hiding. Finally.

Why's our plan so damn effective? Because it hits your entire core—not just your ab muscles but the muscles that support the spine—from all angles with a variety of moves that challenge your stability, balance, and rotational strength.

As for results: Do the moves two to three nonconsecutive days a week and you'll notice a flat-out hot difference in just 30 days.


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DOWNLOAD Belly Fat Burning Workouts - For Android

Cover art Lose Belly Fat: 20-Minute Fat-Burning WorkoutThese moves, from exercise physiologist and WH columnist Amy Dixon, will increase the rate at which you burn calories by up to 13 percent.

The key to this kind of caloric demolition is a type of workout called a superset, in which you do two moves back to back with zero rest. It will hurt--but you won't be sorry. Because with supersets, you'll not only get that initial (and insane!) metabolic spike, but according to a study from Colorado State University, you'll continue to burn fat and calories at a higher rate for up to 16 hours after you leave the gym.

How's that for motivation? Complete this fat-burning workout twice a week, opting for a weight at which you can barely eke out the last rep of your final set with perfect form


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DOWNLOAD 5 Minute Ab Workout - For Android

Cover art 5 Minute Ab WorkoutFeel the Burn With This 5-Minute Ab Workout

If you have five minutes and a place to sit, you can work on your six pack. These five moves work your entire core in almost no time. Take a break and tone your midsection with this ab workout!


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DOWNLOAD Ladies' Shoulder Workout FREE - For Android

Cover art Brings a Personal Trainer to Your Phone.

Accompanied by our world-class bodybuilding coach to exercise every day, you can definitely keep fit and obtain a gorgeous figure.

Video showing how to do each exercise

As being a world-class bodybuilding coach, he trains ladies based upon a set of sophisticated theories and experiences and has released several related publications.

AFAA International Private Bodybuilding Coach Certificate

International LES MILLS Bodybuilding System 6 Items Certified Coach


Keep working out to achieve health and a perfect body.

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DOWNLOAD Ladies' Arm Workout FREE - For Android

Cover art Brings a Personal Trainer to Your Phone.

Accompanied by our world-class bodybuilding coach to exercise every day, you can definitely keep fit and obtain a gorgeous figure.

Video showing how to do each exercise

As being a world-class bodybuilding coach, he trains ladies based upon a set of sophisticated theories and experiences and has released several related publications.

AFAA International Private Bodybuilding Coach Certificate

International LES MILLS Bodybuilding System 6 Items Certified Coach


Keep working out to achieve health and a perfect body.

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DOWNLOAD legs and butt workouts - For Android

Cover art Leg and Butt workoutsPerform this legs and butt workout once or twice a week: Starting with the first exercise, slowly complete five reps (it should take about 10 seconds per rep: five up, five down). Continue until you've done every exercise. Do two to four total circuits, switching sides (when necessary) every other set. Increase the challenge by adding a resistance band loop around your ankles or thighs for each move.

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DOWNLOAD Ladies' Chest Workout FREE - For Android

Cover art Brings a Personal Trainer to Your Phone.

Accompanied by our world-class bodybuilding coach to exercise every day, you can definitely keep fit and obtain a gorgeous figure.

Video showing how to do each exercise

As being a world-class bodybuilding coach, he trains ladies based upon a set of sophisticated theories and experiences and has released several related publications.

AFAA International Private Bodybuilding Coach Certificate

International LES MILLS Bodybuilding System 6 Items Certified Coach


Keep working out to achieve health and a perfect body.

women girl Exercise Coach Fitness Home Office Arm Buttock Chest back waist Abdomen Leg Shoulder

DOWNLOAD Ladies' Home Workout - For Android

Cover art Brings a Personal Trainer to Your Phone.

Video showing how to do each exercise

Accompanied by our world-class bodybuilding coach to exercise every day, you can definitely keep fit and obtain a gorgeous figure.

As being a world-class bodybuilding coach, he trains ladies based upon a set of sophisticated theories and experiences and has released several related publications.

AFAA International Private Bodybuilding Coach Certificate


International LES MILLS Bodybuilding System 6 Items Certified Coach

Plan your daily workout.

History show your daily workout record.

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Keep working out to achieve health and a perfect body.