vendredi 21 février 2014

I Want Thinner Legs!



Love handles?

Think it's hopeless?

Think again!

There is a simple philosophy on weight loss that most people don't understand. You can get smooth, sexy legs without adopting a fitness model schedule. You don't have time to plan out six small meals a day or spend 3 hours at the gym every day. You can still lose that stubborn fat that piled up around your hips and thighs.

Here's what that philosophy boils down to. Your body stores toxins in fat cells. There are toxins in your body and it's constantly being pounded with more. They come from the food you eat, the air you breathe, they're even produced as a result of your body's natural functions and recovery processes.

Most of us produce more acidity and toxins than our bodies can handle. The same dietary problems that produce excess toxins also inhibit your body's ability to process those toxins out. The result is an unbalanced body with a bunch of toxins that it has to deal with.

In order to prevent these toxins from attacking your vital organs and functions, your body stores these excess toxins in fat cells! When these fat cells are full of toxins, they become swollen and inflamed. This swelling causes a lumpy appearance (cellulite).

This also makes your body resistant to weight loss. If your body thinks it needs more fat cells to protect itself, it will hold onto them! That's a major reason that you can lose a bunch of weight and have that stubborn 10-20 pounds that you just can't seem to get rid of. It's also the reason that many people think that once you have cellulite on your legs it never goes away!

The big secret is discovering how to detoxify the fat cells and balance the acidity/alkalinity levels in the body. Without the swelling and inflammation that comes from a toxic body, the fat cells will shrink, returning the surface above to a smooth appearance. It will also then allow the body to burn or break down those fat cells because they aren't necessary for protection.

So, what are some easy ways to detoxify those fat cells?

1. Drink more water

My first challenge to my weight loss clients is that they eliminate high-sugar beverages such as soda and sweet tea from their daily routines and replace them with water for 30 days. When they see the difference in the way they look and feel, it becomes easy to stay disciplined thereafter.

2. Eat more raw fruits and veggies

Raw fruits and vegetables contain the micro-nutrients necessary for a balanced body. They promote alkalinity in the body, and are key to disease prevention and healthy weight.

3. Find natural supplements that help balance the body

There are supplements available that use natural ingredients to detoxify and feed the body on a cellular level. There are also all-natural products that amp up the metabolism to burn extra calories every day. People who burn more calories and feed their cells with healthy micro-nutrients tend to burn fat at an all-time high.

My wife has lost about 25 pounds over the past three months by incorporating these principles. She had a serious problem with cellulite and her problem areas were her thighs and hips.

Today, her legs are smooth and cellulite-free. She doesn't have a special diet. She just avoids high levels of simple sugars and uses healthy supplements to maintain proper balance on a cellular level.

If your bounce has become a jiggle, and you'd like to get your sexy back, today is the day. If doing what you're doing isn't working, it's time to make a simple change. Try it for yourself.

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