mercredi 23 octobre 2013

Ab Circle Pro Workouts

So, you've purchased the Ab Circle Pro to keep fit and lose weight. Naturally, you now need to know the best approach to effectively using this premium exercise machine. This post provides you with a comprehensive exercise routine and weight loss program which gives the limelight to the Ab Circle Pro.

You need to understand that losing weight involves a number of different factors. You have to always keep in mind that using the Ab Circle Pro exclusively does not produce the significant weight loss results you are looking for in just a matter of days. The advertised results you get using the this exercise machine shown on television, and referred to on this website, are actually produced by a combination of exercise and proper diet. In many cases, this represents making extensive changes to your way of life. This is discussed further down in this article.

Right now, I describe the three primary workouts recommended for Ab Circle Pro beginners to intermediate users.

Workout #1 - The basic side to side flexion.

In order to complete this exercise, simply place your hands on the front handles of the exercise machine. Then, position your knees in the knee pads as you take a balanced crawling position. Next, slowly swing to the right. Keeping your back straight ensures full activation of your core muscles.

When you've reached a maximum swing to the right, you can gradually swing back to the Ab Circle Pro center and continue the swing to the left side. Performing this type of flexion makes the muscles of your core work hard to support your weight. At the same time, other muscles groups will be working to support your body weight as well.

Workout #2 - The crawl.

All you need to do for this exercise is to hold on to the front support handles of the Ab Circle Pro. Now place one knee on the main body of the exercise machine (this is the nearest part to the floor). Place the other knee in the opposite knee pad.

As in Workout #1, perform a flexion to the right or left side only. This will be a greater challenge because you will be in a more unstable position. This instability is important for working the core and leg muscles because it really enables a high-intensity muscle workout. Simply switch your legs and switch sides when you have completed several repetitions to the either side.

Workout #3 - The upward roll.

This workout requires the removal of the swinging bars. You place your thighs on top of the equipment. Then, perform a rolling motion upward as you stabilize yourself by holding the front bars of the exercise machine. Execute several sets of 12-18 reps, taking a short breather between each set.

Once you feel comfortable performing each of the above workouts with the Ab Circle Pro, it is time to think about the various lifestyle changes you should be making to ensure the consistent loss of excess weight:

  1. Change your diet to remove foods that contain high fat and high sugar.

  2. After receiving medical clearance from your physician, exercise regularly.

  3. Normalize your metabolism by getting enough sleep.

  4. Eat your fruits and vegetables. 5 to 7 servings a day is recommended.

  5. Limit the consumption of processed foods and candy.

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