mercredi 23 octobre 2013

How to Gain Muscle Mass - Powerful Tips

Studies show that people who gain muscle effectively will also significantly lower their body fat percentage as muscles are more efficient in burning fat, leading to lowered risks of obesity and other weight related problems.

In order to grow muscle mass, you must exercise, although there are many arguments on how you would like to proceed, and this is depending on what type of muscle growth you would like to achieve. This article describes the two methods in detail, as well as other techniques that would teach you how to gain muscle mass fast.

  • Lighter Weights, More Reps:

If you want to gain muscle that is more toned and lean in appearance, then this method is for you. By lifting weights that are around fifty to sixty percent of the maximum weight that you can carry, and by repeating the motions about ten to twelve times for three sets, you can promote lean muscle growth.

This type of exercise is used by most athletes that want to have a more athletic build muscle without hindering their agility or flexibility. Individuals who build muscle in this way will have a more ripped look while still maintaining a more slender shape.

  • Heavier Weights, Less Reps:

Lifting weights that are about eighty percent of your maximum capacity for three sets at five reps per set is recommended if you want to achieve hypertrophy, which is what happens when muscles are enlarged. If you want to gain muscle that is bulky and have increased strength, then this the routine for you.

Weightlifters and professional body builders use heavier weights and do fewer repetitions in order to increase their bulk, and although they are much stronger in general as compared to leaner people, they often have to sacrifice speed and agility as well as flexibility for this type of look.

  • Supplements:

Protein shakes are said to be able to help in order to help develop muscles as well as promote faster recovery after workouts, while supplements such as creatine aids in providing additional energy. These products would help you get the most out of your workouts and would enable you to build muscle much faster.

However, most supplements and products are expensive, and almost all of the ingredients found in these items can be acquired by the body by eating a balanced meal with the proper balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

  • Some Warnings:

If you are serious about your desire to gain muscle, then you must be very determined by going to the gym regularly and following the proper exercise regimen. Results are not overnight, but you will definitely see the difference after a month or two.

Also, make sure that you rest at least a day between workouts in order to let your body recover.

Of course, never train while injured and consult with a doctor or personal trainer before you try any exercise program. Follow these tips so that you will know how to gain muscle mass safely and effectively.

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