mardi 29 octobre 2013

How To React When Baby Has An Ear Infection?

ear infections
Ear Infection

Baby has an ear infection: Symptoms!

Most often, you can mark a baby ear infection when he swings his head from left to right regularly even when he is lying. He can also put his or her hands to ears, a fever, or even have diarrhea. But more importantly, he cries and screams in pain! Also some bad odor comes out from his/her ears. In these cases, not a minute to lose, go faster to your general practitioner who will prescribe antibiotics and / or anti-inflammatory. If, however, baby has an ear infection that recurs frequently, here are some tips that could help you relieve your baby’s ear infections.

Baby has an ear infection: Solutions!

- Blow baby several times a day with a baby fly and / or saline.

- Ventilate your home daily and especially the baby room.

- Do not bring to the pool because it contains water that can promote the spread of infections.

- Remember to consult a homeopath so that he prescribes a DMARD.

- In winter, it is often better to walk outside because the fresh air constricts small blood vessels and decongest the affected area and secretions circulate better.

- Try the osteopathic! A head massage can make him feel good!

These are some ways to help relieve baby's ear infection. It is important not to let the ear back repeatedly in order to protect the damage of eardrums and go through the operation.

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