mercredi 23 octobre 2013

Weight Loss Diet Plans or Diet Fads?

In this article I am going to share some information to clarify if you should be on a diet plan or is it just a fad? The weight loss industry would have us popping pills each day, drinking expensive protein shakes and buying expensive exercise equipment. So there is a lot at stake when it comes to influencing you on HOW you should lose weight.

I have been on and off many of these diets. Some have worked but soon after I finished, of course, I returned to my usual eating habits.

You see losing the weight isn't really the issue, keeping it off is!

So I am here to show you that you do not need to spend a tonne of money only to find yourself back at square one. Which I can almost hear you nodding your head as you read this. But what is the answer to real success to lose weight and keep it off?

You see you do not need to go on a diet which is 'low carb' or 'protein rich' or 'low fat' as you simply won't stick to it for life. I'll try to keep it simple. Ultimately you need a lifestyle eating habit which will help you lose that stubborn belly flat to discover the abs you already have.

The best tip I can give you is to choose foods with the least amount of processing. Selecting foods which as close to their natural state as possible as this will have the most amount of nutrients and therefore they are better for you.

Consider the following:

Quality Protein - now if you have been following my articles by now you would realise that I recommend you select quality protein for your diet. The benefits of eating protein are that they take longer for your digestive system to process so you will feel satisfied for longer and they are great for building and maintaining lean muscle mass.

Fibre - foods which are high in fibre include fruits, vegetables and unrefined grains. They are a great natural substitute for your carbohydrate intake. Fibre keeps our bowel system in check and helps to reduce bloating. One of the main reasons why people struggle with body fat is due to the amount of refined sugars in their diet. Low fat products often contain higher levels of sugar so start reading those food labels. Aim for 6gm per 100gm serving of sugar as a good indicator on food labels. Fibre will help you to feel satisfied and also slows down the body's glycaemia response to the foods you eat.

Healthy Fats - Yes you heard me! You can eat healthy fats. In fact, many nutritionists highly recommend it when you are planning a lifestyle diet as it will ensure you keep your cravings in check so you don't feel deprived. There are many good healthy fats which you can include daily in your diet. Try nuts, seeds, avocado, eggs, coconuts, olive oils and of course organic meats where possible.

Two Foods To Avoid - these have been covered by me in-depth elsewhere but briefly I will share the top two foods to avoid: Artificial Trans Fats (found in many processed foods) and High Fructose Corn Syrup (found in most sweetened products).

By establishing a lifestyle eating plan, which minimising processed foods, then you will by default avoid these two foods I recommend you avoid.

If you can take these tips and incorporate them into the foods you eat then you will start to control your blood sugar levels, appetite and hormone levels as well as so much more.

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